
Statis-Bund offers the complete data collection GENESIS of the German Federal Government (Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden) plus the time series database of the German Federal Reserve Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt).

The original statistical reference work on the German economies.

Data Coverage

Statistical Office:
- area
- population
- employment
- elections
- education
- social benefits
- health
- justice
- dwelling
- environment
- various economic sectors
- external trade
- business
- craft - prices
- earnings
- incomes and consumption
- public finance
- national accounts

Central Bank:
- monthly reports
- banking statistics
- capital market statistics - balance of payments statistics
- seasonally adjusted business statistics
- exchange rate statistics
- financial accouts
- stock deposits
- foreign direct investment stock statistics

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*) For customers from Germany or EU without VAT-ID: price incl. VAT